3 Benefits Of a Legal Offshore Bank Account

Do you want to know the best way you can protect your hard earned money and safeguard your assets from the ever prying eyes of insurance agents, you ex and even Uncle Sam? Open an offshore bank account. With the world banking system constantly undergoing turmoil, you are always at a risk of losing your savings. Having an offshore bank account can save you from that risk. And if you are wondering if it is possible for the IRS to find foreign bank accounts, the answer is yes, but you will be in the clear as long as your account is legal and follows all the required guidelines. 

There are many benefits of having an offshore bank account, some of which are as follows:

1. Political risk safety
Your offshore bank accounts cannot be controlled by your state, federal or even the local government, which means that your money is safe from any kind of political risk. The money that is held in offshore accounts cannot be easily frozen or seized. You will also be guaranteed full privacy.

2. Asset protection
There have been numerous instances in history when broke governments have seized the citizen’s personal assets in a bid to pay their bills. In addition to that, you also have other elements like creditors and insurance companies that all want a piece of the pie. An offshore bank account keeps your assets out of the reach of these agencies and people. 

3. Stable banking
In terms of money in hand, Western banks keep only one or two cents per every dollar you deposit. This means that if they go under, your money will disappear with them. Offshore banks usually keep at least 30 cents per dollar on hand. For your wealth to grow and for long-term safety of your assets, offshore banking is the ideal option.

Opening an offshore bank account is easy, but the rules may vary in different countries. However, you must do some research to find out banks that are safe and worth the efforts. Places like the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong and Nevis are best for offshore banking.


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